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The message below was only posted to our website a little ove one hour ago and already it is SOLD OUT. We are very sorry if you have been disappointed but we suggest you add your name to our Waiting List in case there are any last minute changes. We will also consider exploring the chances of hosting another session.

Or if you are evn more enthusiastic, there is TrackStars 2020 to look forward. Watch this space for its launch on Sunday 26th July. But remember agin we will have limited spaces and again we expect demand to be HIGH!

Read and follow the instructions below to be added to the Waiting List.

We are deighted to announce that Booking is now open for our Summer Term Junior Athletics sessions. These will be held on Mondays at 6pm until 6:50pm at our base in Little Marlow Athletics Track.

This is a new venture for us - we do not normally offer Junior sessions during the Summer Vacation but given the loss of so many sporting opportunities due to Co Vid we are pleased o fill a gap for physical and social interaction. We have had many enquiries about asking to consider this possibility which we are happy to action.

However, there are only 15 places available for the five week course on July 27, Aug 3, 10 , 17 and 23. Fee will be £20 for the course.

If you are a current member you can go straight to the Members Area to access the Booking Form on Summer Junior Athetics link

If you are new to us and would like to know more, then send us a very quick message using this LINK.

But you will need to be quick - we expect these palces to go very fast! We will be closing Booking on Saturday morning at 10.00am (unless we reach our limits before then).


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