We have had a hugely successful week back at the track at Little Marlow. The revsion to the restrictions , although very last minute, means we are now able to cater for more athletes at one time and you all certainly took advantage of that this week.
Thanks for your co-operation in adhering to the CoVid Secure Logistics which makes our job easier and allows you and your family to attend the sessions with confidence. We still need to be aware and vigilant so keep an out eye out for an update to the CoVid Secure Briefing.
Because of the change in permitted numbers, we are now able to plan a bit further ahead and as this also coincides with the Summer Vacation, the Booking System has been updated to allow you to book for all or any session over the next five weeks up to August 30th. There will be a rolling deadline of 4 days before each session (from Weds 28 onwards). We would hope that by the end of August we could return to our more usual registration system.
Sessions will continue for the moment at both Little Marlow and Hughenden Park. All athletes from all training groups should use this booking system (except the Juniors Under 11 - their booking link for this term will be available later on Thursday 23).