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Updated: Jul 28, 2020

This is not the Summer any of us wanted orplanned. The Tokyo Olympics is just one 2020 spectacular which has been postponed or lost to us as we all learn to adapt to some crazy times.

But adapt we all do!

And with a little creativity and a lot of planning we are delighted to let you know that one of your Summer favourites will be going ahead.

TRACKSTARS ! 2020 is ON.

We know young sport talent has been raring to get out and about, to exercise and engage safely with friends while learnng new skills and getting fitter.

TRACKSTARS! as usual offers all that and more. Exceptional value for money with enthusiastic, energetic and engaging Activity Leaders, many of our supporters come back year after year. And this will be great year to join us for the first time

This year we have had to make some comon sense changes to how we work for the safety of both our team and your extended family. We cannot offer our extended hours and some of our usual games and activities will be rested for now. But Track & Field has plenty to offer in terms of socially distanced activities.

One new feature reflects the way we now live:

Why not BOOK a BUBBLE? We are offering 5 youngsters the chance to form thier own hub formed of family members or those you are closest to, maybe in a classroom bubble or social hub. Each Bubble will have a dedicated Activity Leader who will support the quins for the week at a reduced price when all are booked as a group.

But becuase we have to work to new safety guideleines we are resricted to a max of 4 Bubbles per week ( and to strict limts of only 20 participnats per day).

We are also only running four weeks this year

Week 1 3 - 7 August

Week 2 10 - 14 August

Week 3 17 - 21 August

Week 4 24 - 28 August

Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 3.30pm,

Ages 7 to 14 years (6year olds may attend if they have older siblings booked on).

Booking also includes our usual Weekly ( with reduced price for siblings) and daily options


Weekly First Child £120 Sibling £105 Bubble £540

Daily £30


Because of the restrictions, we will have to take all bookings in advance and apply numbers strictly. (If restrictions change, we will respond as best we can).

And if you want to form a BUBBLE,

talk to friends and neighbours tonight

so that you can secure your place before we reach our limits.


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